Hi everybody! I have recently discovered a website made by Media Molecule, the developers of Tearaway. It is called Tearaway.me, and is used for sharing photos taken from Tearaway. Often you can find some very cool ideas for how your Tearaway character could look, because most people like to share their costumes. So if you’ve recently bought Tearaway, or you just think it looks cool, I recommend visiting Tearaway.me!
I Ran For Latin Club Publicist at My School!
Tearaway Wiki!

Hi everybody! I haven’t blogged in a while because I’ve been really busy with school. I’ve also been spending some of my spare time editing a new wiki called the Tearaway Wiki, which is a great place to learn more about the new video game for the PlayStation Vita. The wiki has a growing community and lot of great content about the game. Tearaway is being developed by Media Molecule, the creators of LittleBigPlanet. I’ve posted about Tearaway before, which should get you up to speed on the story. The Tearaway Wiki keeps viewers up-to-date about all things Tearaway and supports the growing community of fans.
I’m actually the bureaucrat on the Tearaway Wiki, which means I am the head admin and person in charge. I encourage the readers of this post to visit the wiki, and even become editors! Tearaway comes out November 22, 2013, so there will be plenty of editing ahead!
Sly 5 Poll – VOTE YES!!!!!!
Hi Sly Cooper Fans,
I have created a poll for Sly Cooper fans who want another release in the series. Everybody reading this PLEASE go and vote yes, even if you aren’t a Sly fan. Also, I would encourage you to buy Sly Cooper: Thieves in Time here, because that will be the real judge of whether or not a new release will be made.
Sly Cooper: Thieves in Time Review
Hi Sly Cooper Fans! As you all probably know, Sly Cooper: Thieves in Time was released about a month ago. I have played through the game, and I really enjoyed it. Instead of being made by the previous owners, Sucker Punch Productions, Sly Cooper: Thieves in Time is created by Sanzaru Games. Here is the plot for the game:
Sly and the gang have disbanded. Sly is faking amnesia to create a relationship with Inspector Carmelita Fox, Murray is the champion in the demolition derby, and Bentley works on creating a time machine with his girlfriend Penelope. But Penelope disappears, and Bentley discovers that pages from the Thievius Raccoonus, the Cooper Family handbook, are beginning to disappear. Bentley gets the gang back together so they can travel through time, and try to fix Cooper history.
The five time periods that the gang visit are Feudal Japan, the Wild West, Prehistoric Times, Medieval England, and Ancient Arabia. There is also a Paris prologue and epilogue. In each time period, a Cooper ancestor is visited. The five cooper ancestors visited are Rioichi Cooper, Tennessee “Kid” Cooper, “Bob” Cooper, Sir Galleth Cooper, and Salim al Kupar, respectively.
I think that the storyline is really great, and I also liked that there are multiple pop culture references. The only big problem that I had with the game was that it was really slow when loading. I also liked the ancestors that Sanzaru picked, although I wish that there had been some more. Speaking of there being more ancestors, there is a rumor that Slytunkhamen Cooper II was supposed to be in this game, but Sanzaru removed him. Are you wondering why? Read below, and you’ll learn why.
As you can see in the picture on the right, Sly is stuck in Ancient Egypt. Allow me to explain why.
The villain of the game, Le Paradox, caused a black hole to erupt in his blimp. Sly told the rest of the gang to leave, but Sly stayed so he could defeat the boss. Sly began by fighting with him inside the blimp, but was forced to exit and fight on the edge of the front of the blimp. Sly defeated Le Paradox, and Le Paradox was hanging onto the blimp for his life. Sly, out of kindness, helped Le Paradox up. Le Paradox attacked Sly, took his paraglider, and began to float off of the blimp. A plane ran into Le Paradox, he dropped the paraglider, and fell into the ocean. He was later found and imprisoned. Sly disappeared. After gaining all of the trophies in the game, a cinematic plays, and shows Sly in Ancient Egypt.
SLY 5?!?!? 😉
Below are pictures of the ancestors featured in the game.
For more info on Sly Cooper, go to www.slycooper.wikia.com.
Sly Cooper: Thieves in Time update: “Bob” Cooper?!
Hi Sly Cooper fans,
Some shocking info on Sly Cooper: Thieves in Time has been released. Apparently, instead of Slåi MacCooper being the ancestor featured in Episode 3 of the game, a new Cave-Cooper will be the ancestor. His actual name is unknown, so he is known as “Bob” throughout the game. A new ancestor wasn’t the thing that shocked me about him, it was more of his appearance. Slåi MacCooper is a really bulky Cooper, but “Bob” is by far the bulkiest Cooper I’ve ever seen. He is also missing teeth; has brown, messy fur; and has giant claws. I think that these features are improvements compared to Slåi, and I look forward to playing him in the game. Below are some pictures of “Bob”, and a leaked photo of the game’s boss as he appears in-game!
Speaking of the game, if you want exclusive DLC (and a cheaper price), hurry up and preorder Sly Cooper: Thieves in Time on Amazon.com/Target.com before Febuary 5th!!
Podcast – Sly Cooper Thieves in Time is COMING SOON!
Hi everybody,
My dad and I recorded a new podcast, where we talk about the upcoming game, Sly Cooper Thieves in Time. I talk about ancestors that will be featured in the game, the ancestors that won’t be featured in the game, the story, some Sly Cooper history, the characters and MORE. I also talk briefly about a beat making app called Figure, which I used to create the new intro jingle for my podcast.
Sly Cooper Thieves in Time : IGN Gameplay Video
Hi Sly Cooper fans,
IGN has posted a two hour long video demonstrating Sly Cooper Thieves in Time gameplay. The first episode was almost completely finished, as well as the Paris tutorial. Here is the video below:
Annoying Orange
I have a new favorite TV show. It is called, “Annoying Orange” and is based on a YouTube series. The YouTube series became so popular that it was picked up as a show on Cartoon Network. Every Friday, a new YouTube episode is made available also. Here is a link to the “realannoyingorange” YouTube channel.
The premise of the show is about an annoying orange named “Orange”. Obviously, he loves to annoy everyone and then laughs whenever they get mad. Most of the characters are fruit. Some are toys or other objects. There are a few humans in the show. In the YouTube episodes, the setting is a kitchen. However, in the Cartoon Network show, the setting is a grocery store.
The animation style is a picture of a real piece of fruit with video of a person’s eyes and mouth overlaying the picture. It is pretty simple, but the show is funny because Orange is always coming up with jokes to annoy whoever he is talking to.
To show you how funny the show is, here is my favorite episode from the YouTube series:
This is an episode where Orange and his friend interrupt Cobb’s phone conversations by yelling “Wazzup!” over and over.
Create your own game in Construct 2!
I recently began learning how to make games in a very simple program called Construct 2, made by Scirra games! It is a program that doesn’t require any coding experience or game-making experience! I had an assignment for school to give instructions on how to do something I know how to do. I thought that many of my readers would like to see the instructions as well. Here they are:
Making Video Games: The First Steps
By HelloTyler
So, you want to make a video game for the computer? Well, today I’m going to teach you how to make games in Construct 2, the easy, simple game-making program. Unfortunately, I can’t teach you to make a full game, because that would probably take a lot of instructions to teach. Instead, I’m going to teach you the first steps on how to make a simple side-scroller, complete with your very own controllable character, a background, platforms for the player to walk on, and more.
Step by Step
First, download and install the free version of Construct 2 off of scirra.com. Now open the program. Once you’ve opened the program, you should see an opening screen. In the top left corner, click “File” and select “New”. On the left, you should see “Size”. Change it to 4000 x 2048. Also, change the “Position” to 0, 0.
Now, let’s make a background. Double click the white space in the middle of the screen. That white space is what the screen will look like when the game starts. A small window will pop up with multiple types of objects to make. Click “Tiled Background”. Now click “Insert”. Another window will pop up. You can make your own background in this window, but a safer option is to make it in a photo editing program. (Photoshop, Paint, etc.) Make sure to make the background 4000 x 2048. Now, go back into Construct 2, and Click the little folder in the top left corner of the window that opened after you selected the “Tiled Background”. Upload the background that you made. Now hold the “Control” button and scroll the mouse wheel down to zoom out. The white chart on the left should have changed. Change its “Size” to 4000 x 2048 and its “Position” to 0, 0.
To the right, you should see a “Projects” tab. At the bottom should be a button that says “Layers”. Click it. In it should be layer zero. If you want, rename it by clicking the pencil icon, and type in “Background”. Now, create another background by clicking the green plus. If you want, rename this layer “Main”. Select the “Background” layer and click the lock. This makes it so you won’t accidentally select it while trying to select something else. Click the “Main” layer again.
Now we create the platforms for the player to walk on. Double click what used to be the white space again. Click “Sprite” and “Insert”. Go into your photo editing program and create a block. You can make a very fancy looking platform, a brown block, or something else; just make sure it’s a square. Now, upload it to Construct 2. Next, make the size on the chart to the left 24, 24. Of course, with just one block, the player has absolutely nowhere to go. So, Hold the “Control” button and click and drag the block. You’ve just made another block! At the top, under “View”, click “Snap to grid”. This will make it easier to connect blocks.
Let’s make the player. Double click the space, click “Sprite”, and “Insert”. Make the character in your photo editing program, and upload it. Do you see the empty space around the character? That should be taken out, because it takes up memory, and makes the game that much slower. In the top part of the window, there should be a rectangle with arrows on the four sides. Hold the “Shift” button and click it. Now, let’s set the image origin. In this case, the origin makes sure that the player won’t get stuck in the platforms. Click the Button underneath the piece of paper, and set the point at the player’s feet. (If it doesn’t have feet, put it where the feet would be.) If you want to, rename the object to “Player”.
On the chart to the left, there should be some thing that says “Add/edit” under “Behaviors”. Click it, and select the green plus. Next, select “Platform”, and click “Add”.
On the window that was opened on the last step, make the “Jump Speed” 1100 and the “Gravity” 2500. Now click the green plus again and add “Scroll to”. This way the screen will follow the player.
Select the block object that the player is supposed to walk on. Add the behavior called “Solid”. Now the player won’t fall through the block. Double click the space again. Select “Keyboard”. This just enables the keyboard to be able to be used. Now, go to the tab which is titled “Event Sheet”. This basically tells what is supposed to happen when the game starts, when the player falls off the screen, when an enemy is hit, or anything else. Add an action by double clicking. Double click the keyboard, and click “Next”. Click “On key pressed”. Now click “click to choose” and press the left arrow key. Now click “Add action”. Double click “Player” and choose the action called “Set player mirrored”. Lastly, add an identical event, except use the right arrow key, and set “Not mirrored”.
While I can’t give you the whole set of instructions, you should probably be able to figure out the rest by now. It is basically the same routine, adding events, objects, and other things. After reading four long pages about how to make a game in Construct 2, you may be surprised to find out that this is the simplest game making program that I’ve heard of! You may be happy to know that you can make games for multiple mobile devices in Construct 2. All you have to do is change the controls to touch controls, and buy the full version. Then, upload your game file (which should end in “.html5”) to phonegap.com.