LittleBigPlanet has released some new downloadable content, which has to do with DC superheroes. There are costume packs, so you can look like your favorite heroes, and a level pack, so you can play DC levels, as well as make your own. The level pack gives you access to new abilities through the new cape power-up. The video below will give more information about the level pack.
Today I’ve published my first videocast to the iTunes store. I won’t usually create videocasts, but I had many subjects to talk about, so I decided to record one today. Sorry about the noise in the background. I recorded in my dad’s office and the air conditioner was really loud.
I discussed five topics in this episode:
Sly Cooper’s Tenth Anniversary
Sly Cooper Thieves In Time Update
Ham On The Run App
The Archie Mega Man Comic
Recent Updates To My Blog
By the way, I noticed that the video player plugin I am using doesn’t work in Chrome. It works in Firefox though.
Also, I would like to say “Happy Birthday” to Sly Cooper. This isn’t just any old birthday though. It’s his tenth! Today marks the tenth anniversary of the release of Sly Cooper and the Thievius Raccoonus. Here is a picture I made, which is also included in the videocast.
I sent in a funny comic strip to Archie Comics in hopes that they would include it in the Fan Art page of one of the Sonic The Hedgehog comics. I was very lucky to have mine included in Sonic Universe Issue 40. I received the latest issue in the mail the other day. I was shocked when I saw the Fan Art page as I flipped through the issue.
Sunnyside Explosion
In the comic series, Dr. Eggman has recently built the Death Egg Mark II. My comic strip takes place right after he has revealed his invention. In my story, Dr. Eggman is telling his nephew, Snively how to fix the wiring in the machine. As you can see, things don’t go according to plan.
I hope you enjoy it and hope you decide to pick up issue 40 of Sonic Universe. Sonic Universe is an expansion of the Sonic The Hedgehog comic series. It shows stories that don’t always include Sonic but often include his friends and enemies. I really like it. I also subscribe to the Sonic The Hedgehog series, which is the main Sonic comic. Both are good but they are different in how the stories are divided. Sonic Universe is usually divided into four issue mini series, while Sonic The Hedgehog is just one continuous story. Archie also publishes the Mega Man comic, which I subscribe to also.
Here is another trailer for The Avengers movie that shows a little bit more than the first. I like the clip where the Hulk catches Iron Man in mid-air and slides down a building. I was very surprised when I saw the serpent-like creature chasing Iron Man because I hadn’t seen anything like that in the last trailer. I can’t wait to see this movie!
This trailer is for the UK release, which is titled “Avengers Assemble”. The UK release date is also different than the US release date. The UK release date is April 26, 2012 and the US release date is May 4, 2012.
Here is another movie that I can’t wait to see either. I have seen the first and second Batman movies and the third looks like it is better than Batman Begins, the first movie in the series. I’m not sure it can get better than The Dark Knight (the second Batman movie) though. I have been a Batman fan ever since I can remember.
Here is the trailer for the new Avengers movie that comes out April 27. I cannot wait to see the movie! It looks so cool. My favorite part in the trailer is when Loki says, “I have an army” and Tony Stark replies, “We have a Hulk”. I have seen almost all the Marvel movies so far but I hope this one is the best. After seeing hints for the next Marvel movie in each of their previous movies, I am guessing that Spiderman will be hinted at the end of The Avengers. I’m guessing this because I heard that the Spiderman series of movies is restarting.
My first podcast is finally up! In this first episode, I talked about Phineas and Ferb, Little Big Planet, a trip to the Pacific Northwest, Spiderman comics, Little House on the Prairie books, and more! I hope you enjoy.
By the way, I said in the podcast that the website was coming soon, but I decided to go ahead and finish it up! Woo hoo! I will try to post a new podcast every month.
I want to hear from YOU! Post a comment and tell me what you think of the podcast. Comments will be reviewed.