New LBP Vita Level I Have Made: Slender-Man (First-Person) V. 1.3

2eda596b9858adc7abf1ac5ecd4725dbf65d98d6I have recently made a new LittleBigPlanet Vita level based off of the creepy Slender game, where you try to find eight pages in a forest before Slender-Man finds you. Usually my levels get about five plays in a week, but I am happy to say that I have been getting about twenty plays every ten minutes today. So far I have around 250 plays, and counting. I would like to thank all of the people who gave me some nice comments and advice, advice which I have taken in the new updates. The page for my level on can be found here. Sorry that the “SLENDER” logo is so hard to read right now, I will change that when I can! 🙂

No More LittleBigPlanet Vita Trolls! :(

04d262a4dd304a0c5ba9fef288824c9870efca6bAs I’ve explored the LittleBigPlanet Vita Community, I have noticed the huge presence of “trolls”. A troll is a person who makes a level that says it has one thing, but in reality does not and wastes your time. These levels are very annoying, and some people make levels to “encourage” people not to do this. Well, that’s nice and all, but it won’t stop people from doing this. So I have come up with a solution. In my level, “Stop Trollers!“, I give out a sticker that says “FAKE!!” which you can place in levels created by trolls. Then, you can take a picture with the sticker and make it public on the level description, marking it as a troll level and making nobody want to play it. Together we can make LittleBigPlanet Vita a better place.

To show your support for ending LBP Vita trolling, go on facebook, twitter, instagram, etc. and make a post with “#nomorelbptrolls“! I will make LBP 1 and 2 levels like that soon.

Posted from my Raspberry Pi!

New LittleBigPlanet Vita Level: Topsy-Turny!

2f0a94db35b10655b621a55b7ab29164bcbbaa83I have recently created a new survival level on LittleBigPlanet Vita called “Topsy-Turny”! The level basically puts you in a spinning wheel where you change layers in order to not hit lethal walls. The longer you survive, the more points you earn. This level implements a title screen, where the screen shows the words, “EXO Productions”, followed by the logo for “Topsy-Turny” itself! I DARE you to play it and try to earn 1,000 points!! 🙂

Click here to go to the level’s link on

Also, click here to go to the LBP link for my other new survival level, “Quicksand Survival”!

Posted from my Raspberry Pi!

LittleBigPlanet Cross-Controller Pack


I have recently purchased the Cross-Controller pack in LittleBigPlanet, which makes use of the Vita in LittleBigPlanet 2. Fortunately, you don’t need LBP Vita to play with the pack.

The story is about space-traveling pirates, who are in jail. Sack-thing’s ship crashes into their cell, and they break out and search for treasure. I’d recommend purchasing this pack, although it is very short.

My LittleBigPlanet Level: “Minecraft: The End – Battle With the Ender Dragon”

minecraft_theendI have recently created a different type of 3D level on LittleBigPlanet Vita. Based off of the Ender battle in Minecraft, this level allows you to battle the Ender Dragon with help from the Vita’s touch screen. The name of the level is “Minecraft: The End – Battle With the Ender Dragon“. Everybody please go play it!

Also, I will be making more levels soon. Please keep an eye on the list of my levels, which is below the list of categories. It will update automatically.

Flappy Bird Deleted!

flappybird_masterAround the start of the new year, a game called “Flappy Bird” became very popular to iOS and Android users. People loved it so much that they played it more and more, until it became a problem. Nguyen Ha Dong, despite making around $50,000 a day from the app, took down the app from all stores to keep from “ruining people’s lives”.

In other news, an almost exact replica of Flappy Bird called City Bird has become #2 in the iOS App Store.

Sly Cooper Movie!!!

In 2016, Sly Cooper will be breaking into theaters in his very own movie. The movie will be retelling the story of the first game, Sly Cooper and the Thievius Raccoonus, with some minor changes. Not only are those changes to the storyline, but also the characters’ appearances. Murray had the most changes, which made him look more mature. In other news, Sucker Punch Productions–the creators of Sly Cooper–will not have anything to do with the movie.

Below is the teaser trailer:

Click to go to the official website

Click to go to the Sly Cooper Wiki, your ultimate source of Sly Cooper information!

LittleBigPlanet DC Superheroes DLC

LittleBigPlanet has released some new downloadable content, which has to do with DC superheroes. There are costume packs, so you can look like your favorite heroes, and a level pack, so you can play DC levels, as well as make your own. The level pack gives you access to new abilities through the new cape power-up. The video below will give more information about the level pack.


New Look!

Welcome to the New

Screen Shot 2013-11-28 at 5.24.01 PM copy copyHello everybody! As you have probably noticed, there has been a huge change in the website’s appearance. This is due to my changing the theme to a more modern look. Also, I have made the logo for the website a modern, colorful addition. I hope you like the new website, and invite you to explore the new features!