No More LittleBigPlanet Vita Trolls! :(

04d262a4dd304a0c5ba9fef288824c9870efca6bAs I’ve explored the LittleBigPlanet Vita Community, I have noticed the huge presence of “trolls”. A troll is a person who makes a level that says it has one thing, but in reality does not and wastes your time. These levels are very annoying, and some people make levels to “encourage” people not to do this. Well, that’s nice and all, but it won’t stop people from doing this. So I have come up with a solution. In my level, “Stop Trollers!“, I give out a sticker that says “FAKE!!” which you can place in levels created by trolls. Then, you can take a picture with the sticker and make it public on the level description, marking it as a troll level and making nobody want to play it. Together we can make LittleBigPlanet Vita a better place.

To show your support for ending LBP Vita trolling, go on facebook, twitter, instagram, etc. and make a post with “#nomorelbptrolls“! I will make LBP 1 and 2 levels like that soon.

Posted from my Raspberry Pi!