As I’ve explored the LittleBigPlanet Vita Community, I have noticed the huge presence of “trolls”. A troll is a person who makes a level that says it has one thing, but in reality does not and wastes your time. These levels are very annoying, and some people make levels to “encourage” people not to do this. Well, that’s nice and all, but it won’t stop people from doing this. So I have come up with a solution. In my level, “Stop Trollers!“, I give out a sticker that says “FAKE!!” which you can place in levels created by trolls. Then, you can take a picture with the sticker and make it public on the level description, marking it as a troll level and making nobody want to play it. Together we can make LittleBigPlanet Vita a better place.
To show your support for ending LBP Vita trolling, go on facebook, twitter, instagram, etc. and make a post with “#nomorelbptrolls“! I will make LBP 1 and 2 levels like that soon.
I have recently created a new survival level on LittleBigPlanet Vita called “Topsy-Turny”! The level basically puts you in a spinning wheel where you change layers in order to not hit lethal walls. The longer you survive, the more points you earn. This level implements a title screen, where the screen shows the words, “EXO Productions”, followed by the logo for “Topsy-Turny” itself! I DARE you to play it and try to earn 1,000 points!! 🙂
I have recently purchased the Cross-Controller pack in LittleBigPlanet, which makes use of the Vita in LittleBigPlanet 2. Fortunately, you don’t need LBP Vita to play with the pack.
The story is about space-traveling pirates, who are in jail. Sack-thing’s ship crashes into their cell, and they break out and search for treasure. I’d recommend purchasing this pack, although it is very short.
I have recently created a different type of 3D level on LittleBigPlanet Vita. Based off of the Ender battle in Minecraft, this level allows you to battle the Ender Dragon with help from the Vita’s touch screen. The name of the level is “Minecraft: The End – Battle With the Ender Dragon“. Everybody please go play it!
Also, I will be making more levels soon. Please keep an eye on the list of my levels, which is below the list of categories. It will update automatically.
LittleBigPlanet has released some new downloadable content, which has to do with DC superheroes. There are costume packs, so you can look like your favorite heroes, and a level pack, so you can play DC levels, as well as make your own. The level pack gives you access to new abilities through the new cape power-up. The video below will give more information about the level pack.
LittleBigPlanet Vita has been released to the stores! With the PS Vita features and LBP fun combined, this game is sure to become one of your favorites. A new feature is that your DLC and costumes from LBP2 will be imported into LBP Vita and LBP Karting!! Below are some screenshots from the game.
Also, I’m proud to say that I am now the owner of the exclusive Space Suit and LBP Vita Launch Shirt! Here’s what they look like:
I haven’t updated this website in a while, so I decided to do one BIG post about all of the things that I’ve been meaning to post.
LittleBigPlanet Karting BETA!!!
I applied for LBP Karting Beta a while back, and I got excepted! The game stays true to the other LBP games in that you can still decorate your pod, create and publish levels, and decorate your earth and moon. There are still minigames, and the level select is the same. It uses similar controls to Modnation Racers, the reason being because it is made by the Modnation company, United Front Games. The vehicles are either things from LBP, or just funny ideas. Below are pictures from the game.
Sackboy Blasting off
A Cool Picture of Sacks racing, with me smiling for being invited in.
Wii U
My dad took me to a developer meet-up where they let us play the Wii U before anybody else! Wii U is the second version of the Wii. It comes with a Gamepad that has 2 analog sticks, a camera, a microphone, a gyroscope, and can also control your TV. The buttons are the four action buttons, (X, Y, A, and B.) the +control pad, the +start and -select buttons, The L, R, ZL, and ZR buttons, and the home button. It ALSO comes with a screen and a stylus. The Wii U system is compatible with the old Wii accessories, including the remotes.
Wii U Details
The Gamepad being used as a remote.
Here are my favorite games that I played at the meet-up:
• Donkey Kong Crash Course – In this game, the object is to roll your vehicle through the course to Princess Peach. Easy, right? WRONG. I’m 99% sure that nobody was able to get to the princess in their 3 tries. Why, you ask? Simple. You can’t got too fast, because you’ll collide with the wall. You also can’t go too slow, or you’ll topple over. on top of that, you have to move platforms with the analog sticks, and ZR and ZL. The gyroscope in the new controller senses when you tilt it back and forth, and the vehicle moves accordingly. I’m assuming that the level that was playable was NOT the first level, so by the time you get to that level, it probably isn’t as hard. (I couldn’t find any pictures for this game.)
• New Super Mario Bros. U – In this sequel to the NSMBros. series, there are some new features. The first one is the Flying Squirrel suit, which allows Mario and his friends to glide once the also-new Acorn Mushroom is obtained. The next one is my favorite. Baby Yoshis appear, and have three different abilities. To inflate like a balloon, glow in darkness, and to blow bubbles to cause Koopas to float away. All three can eat guards when they are carried. The Gamepad is able to make platforms appear for the player to jump on in a certain mode. The final new feature is that you can play as your Mii in the game. The only problem that I had with it was that It didn’t have much use for the Gamepad.
• Batman: Arkham City Armored Edition – This is an add-onto the original Arkham City game. It uses the Gamepad in many different ways, including controlling a RC Batarang, and investigating a crime scene. It was VERY fun to play, but I had a problem with it. My problem was that it was WAY too easy to fight. All you have to do is keep hitting Y, and he will automatically launch and attack nearby guards. I hadn’t ever played it before, and I don’t think I took any damage. But it was still an Awesome game.
Google: Project Glass
There is a project that google is working on called “Project Glass”. It is the idea that a small machine can connect to glasses to make them into a type of smartphone. It uses voice command, and can take pictures, make phone-calls, text, give directions, show news, give the weather, and so much more. Of course, you don’t have to have glasses to use them. It will be a little bit expensive, but is still very cool. Bellow is a video, showing the features I’ve said and more.
We recorded another podcast! This one is about LittleBigPlanet, which is tied with Sly Cooper for my favorite video game series. I just wanted to say that LittleBigPlanet is so cool and Media Molecule (The game creator) is a company full of geniuses! I can’t wait to play the upcoming LBP games. Here is the trailer for the LittleBigPlanet Karting game. Listen to the podcast to find out more about them. You can download it here or subscribe through iTunes.
My first podcast is finally up! In this first episode, I talked about Phineas and Ferb, Little Big Planet, a trip to the Pacific Northwest, Spiderman comics, Little House on the Prairie books, and more! I hope you enjoy.
By the way, I said in the podcast that the website was coming soon, but I decided to go ahead and finish it up! Woo hoo! I will try to post a new podcast every month.
I want to hear from YOU! Post a comment and tell me what you think of the podcast. Comments will be reviewed.